
Leveling Up (& holding what life brings us)

I have spent the last 6 months super focused on completing YogaWorks 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. It’s been a wild wild ride. I have made life long friends, been expanded personally and professionally and been brought to my growing edge repeatedly.

I am so grateful for the master teachers who shared decades of knowledge with me, for my mentor and ladies in my mentor group and for the 30+ souls that laughed and cried through each weekend workshop with me. What a ride! I’m now a 500 RYT!

As I worked through this course, life happened, repeatedly... Betrayal, lies, more lies. You know the stuff that makes you question everything.

Life has offered me opportunities to face new work, particularly centered around trauma experienced. Let’s be clear. I was devastated by the news I stumbled upon.

As I’ve sought to work with and through what was brought to me it has required me to tap into some new modalities of healing. While I’ve always been interested in the ways our mind and body are interconnected, I’ve found new language and knowledge around this work. I am so excited to share this work with you! In big and small ways we all have experienced some degree of trauma that our bodies hold. Through my studies and experience, I’m struck by the non linear journey to healing AND the deep importance of being mindful of the basics as we journey (water, nutrition, sleep, exercise and support)!

Because of the layers of my personal trauma, I’ve been dedicated to learning all I can about ways I could find healing, while life continued. (Turns out, life rarely offers a PAUSE feature)

Creating safe places has always been my work (whether on the mat or in front of the camera), and I’ve been offered a new connection to why all this work matters. I am working to reconnect with my sensual self and staying connected to my own body through this journey back to wholeness. Friends, I’m gonna be honest. The road has been terribly painful and I’m still in process… but friends, I’ve definitely leveled up! ;)

Come join me in the studio this month… GATHER, 4 week experience, starting March 5th T/TH 8:30-10a, Yoga + Oils, March 9th 3-5p OR book a BARE story and connect with your sensual self. <3

Sarah Scheidler